20 Key Questions to Understand Special Education Rights
1. What is special education?
What does the term “special education” mean? How is a child selected to participate?
2. Legal basis for special education
What law and regulation define and mandate provision of special education? ( IDEA, U.S.; etc.).
3. IEP and Individualized support
What does the term IEP stand for? How does an IEP assist in addressing a disability for a learner?
Read Also:
- https://lawstrategix.com/10-questions-and-answers-about-school-regulations/
- https://lawstrategix.com/6-frequently-asked-questions-about-student-loan-laws/
- https://lawstrategix.com/8-questions-about-teacher-employment-laws-explained/
4. Members of IEP team
Who are the professionals, parents, and others involved in development and review of the IEP?
5. What are available accommodations for students with disabilities?
What are accommodations and modifications? How can it be accessed to help students succeed?
6. How is a student identified for special education?
Procedures which are used to identify students with disabilities and determine eligibility for services
7. What is the evaluation process for special education?
How is the determination of eligibility for special education services made?
8. What are the rights of parents in the special education process?
What are the rights of parents to participate, consent, and make decisions in the process?
9. What is Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?
What is FAPE, and how does it ensure that students with disabilities receive education at no cost?
10. What are the least restrictive environment (LRE) requirements?
What is LRE, and how does it influence where and how students are taught?
11. Can a student be taken out of their home school for special education services?
When can a student be sent to a separate educational environment?
12. How can a parent appeal decisions regarding their child’s special education services?
What alternatives are there if a parent is not satisfied with the school’s decisions about her child’s services?
13. What are related services in special education?
What are related services and how do they support students in special education?
14. How are students with disabilities accountable for academic progress?
What are expectations for student performance and assessments in special education?
15. May a student be disciplined for behavior associated with his disability?
What rights do students with disabilities have in terms of disciplinary actions when they exhibit behavior associated with their disability?
16. What happens when a student turns 18 and is no longer a minor?
What special education services remain with the student as he/she age into adulthood, turns 18?
17. Transition support for students with disabilities as they age into adulthood
Transition planning for students moving from school to post-school activities.
18. What steps should parents take if they feel their child is not receiving proper services?
What should a parent do if he or she feels that his or her child’s special education needs are not being met?
19. How do advocacy groups fit into special education?
In what ways can advocacy groups support parents and students as they work within special education?
20. What happens when complaints arise in special education?
How does special education resolve disputes?
What are the procedures followed in the resolving of disputes involving mediation, due process hearings, and complaints?